sábado, 15 de dezembro de 2012


http://webs.ie.uminho.pt/doutoramento2012_2013/ .

 1ª conferência doutoral  Libertação, etnociência e investigação educacional, no dia 26 de outubro

2ªconferência doutoral   - Desenvolvimento, Educação e Direitos Humanos -no dia 10 de dezembro


Olá Colegas, tudo bem?

Informo que já foram criadas as referencias multibanco para pagamento das propinas .
Julgando que recebemos o "Subsídio de Natal", querem que paguemos duas prestações (OUTUBRO / DEZEMBRO).
Deixo ao critério de todos

EU VOU PENSAR............ 

quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2012

Caros colegas e amigos
Tendo recebido alguns mails sobre os procedimentos quer relativamente à matricula-2º ano, quer relaticamente ao registo da Tese , informo que estou a tentar recolher dados para responder de forma mais precisa.
Saudações Académicas

Luís Fânzeres

segunda-feira, 11 de junho de 2012

candidatura doutoramento estudos da criança


Vimos informar que abriu hoje, 11 de junho, o prazo para candidatura ao Curso de Doutoramento em Estudos da Criança 2012/2013.

O prazo de candidatura termina a 26 de junho de 2012.

Os candidatos devem inscrever-se on-line através do portal do Instituto de Educação da Universidade do Minho:

Para mais informações poderá aceder a secção “Últimas Notícias do CIEC” na website do CIEC:

A Direção do CIEC


CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança (Unidade 317 da FCT)

quinta-feira, 17 de maio de 2012

Manual do SPSS

Download do manual de SPSS

Em inglês: http://www.allenandunwin.com/spss3

Em português: http://www.reportnumber.pt/ae/

sábado, 24 de março de 2012

XV IOSTE International Symposium on Science & Technology Education for Development, Citizenship and Social Justice

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the XV IOSTE International Symposium on Science & Technology Education for Development, Citizenship and Social Justice to be held at Yasmine Hammamet (29 October – 3 November, 2012).

Please forward this message to others 
you think may be interested in participating in the symposium.
Nous sommes heureux de vous inviter à participer au XVème Symposium International sur l’Education Scientifique et Technique pour le Développement, la Citoyenneté et la Justice Sociale, qui se tiendra à Yasmine Hammamet (29 Octobre – 03 Novembre, 2012).

Veuillez diffuser ce message à toute personne qui pourrait-être intéressée par ce symposium.

The THEME: “Science & Technology Education for development, citizenship and social justice” is expressed through 9 Strands (S1 to S9):

·  S1: Education for Sustainable Development, Human Rights and Health.
Suggested topics
- Education for all.
- Citizenship education.
- ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) / Environmental education.
- Health education/ health promotion/Sex education.
- Ethics in STE

·  S2: Cultural, social and gender issues in STE
Suggested topics
- Gender issues.
- Values and Ethics in STE.
- International comparisons.
- Student diversity and inclusive education.
- Political issues in STE.
- Indigenous Knowledge and Intercultural Education.
- Language problems / linguistic diversity
- Conceptions, science, justice and citizenship
- Science, Technology and Society.

·  S3: STE and religion.
Suggested topics
-   Nature of science, nature of religion.
-   Science education versus religious education
-   Science and religion: strategies for learning and teaching, teachers training, curriculum design.
-   Science and Belief: alternative conceptions.
-   Teaching religions or enrolling in a religion? Inside or outside school?

·  S4: ICT for equity and democracy in STE.
Suggested topics
- Digital divide.
- ICT and e-learning in teacher development.
- Smart school and ICT-based education.
- Distance learning and blended learning.
- ICT learning and instructional design.
- Perspectives and educational programs beyond ICT

·  S5: Epistemology, History and Philosophy in STE.
Suggested topics
- History and epistemology in mathematics, fundamental and applied sciences
- History and Philosophy of Biomedical and Health Education.
- Philosophy of Science: Modeling, complexity, prediction

·  S6:  Socio-scientific issues in STE.
Suggested topics
- Socio-scientific issues and cognitive process in formal and nonformal learning
- Using Socio-scientific issues for STE
- Education in science centres and museums
- Positioning arguments and controversies in STE

·  S7: Teacher training and teaching practices
Suggested topics
Teachers and trainers in science and technology: Policy, missions, training, roles, values ​​and perspectives.
- Teaching STE versus conception and competence
- STE: Practices and didactic design

·  S8: Curricula, textbooks and media in STE
Suggested topics
- Critical analysis of official programs and textbooks.
- Curriculum design and development in STE.
- Inter/intra / trans-disciplinary topics.
- Science, Media and Society
·  S9: Evaluation in STE.
Suggested topics
- Assessment and ranking of schools and universities.
- Assessment dealing with learning, training and citizenship education 
- Competency assessment.
- Social impact of assessment.
- Theory and practice of Assessment, Evaluation, Testing and Measurement.
- Evaluation of Educational Research.
- Educational Assessment Policies and System Monitoring.
- International comparative evaluations (PISA, TIMMS, ROSE,…)

Best regards

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